Silver Inspired Table Setting

Silver Table Setting Chyka Keebaugh

I am a big fan of mixing the old with the new, the shiny with the dull and the patterned with the print.

I love to mix and match textures, colours and designs so when creating a fun table setting including silver I could indulge myself. When it comes to setting a table, I am a firm believer that more is more. I like to add plates, side plates, napkins, wine glasses, water glasses, a centrepiece, all the cutlery you could ever need plus more! I like filling the space with drama and beauty and using a little silver here, and there certainly adds that.

For my table setting, I am starting with my antique silver cutlery. Fresh from a good cleaning, this cutlery will set the tone of the table. Don't feel that with cutlery in all needs to be from the same set. Use a variety of different looks to create an eclectic feel. The silver serviette rings that I have used are usually kept under a glass dome as a decorating item at home, so pulling them out and using them is fun too. These serviette rings are beautiful on their own - so why let them sit in a drawer? Traditionally you would have the serviette rolled but I love the idea of making it look a little more dramatic and having the serviette as long as possible and draped over the sides. If you have some gorgeous old silverware, display it! Use jugs as a vase, put a candle in a goblet - mix it up and get creative.

Silver Table Setting Chyka Keebaugh

My grey steel plates look like tarnished silver but are in fact ceramic platters from Morocco. You know I have a little addiction to collecting plates and these are ones I just could not pass up! They keep the table from looking too silver and antique. I found a pair of silver water jugs that were wedding gifts that suit my table perfectly. They have been tucked far away in a cupboard but I always knew I had them and this was the perfect time for them to make a reappearance on the table! While we are at it, this is an excellent opportunity to pull some of those wedding gifts out and give them some love again! Mix your old favourites with some new favourites and give them a new lease on life. I used a silver toned kale from the market. It's a modern look and keeps the table tonal. You will be surprised how much your guests will love this idea! You can then use it in your juice the next day - No wastage here!

So what do you think? Are you inspired to get out your silver and set up a gorgeous table?