6 Ways To Create A More Positive Home



It’s been an eventful few weeks here in Melbourne…

…But when life gives you lemons - you make lemonade, right? Or gin and tonic! Either way, I’m choosing to look at the silver lining and dig deep into what I learnt during my week at Gwinganna. I left the retreat feeling revitalised, refreshed, renewed. Taking control of my sleep by introducing calming techniques before bed, knowing when it’s time to stop and take care of ‘me’ and, of course, making sure I move every day. 

And now, weeks later - we find ourselves coming out of our 4th lockdown and another few weeks spent indoors, feeling as though those learnings came at the perfect time. It’s been difficult, I won’t lie, so I shifted my focus from my struggles to something I can control - my environment, my home. How can I make my home a more energetic, more positive space to be in? What changes can we make so that the positive energy flows and the lousy energy recedes? We can try a few of these…

6 ways to invite good energy into your home

Light a candle! I know this is pretty basic, but think about the fragrances you love - Are they floral? Are they beachy? Are they woody? Now imagine yourself walking through your home, from room to room, with your favourite fragrances burning- it can only make you feel better, right? Coming home to a space that smells of your most favourite scent is not only a luxury but can most certainly shift your mood.

Get rid of that clutter! We all know how satisfying it feels to have a good old fashioned cleanout, but often we find ourselves keeping those items that at the end of the day - make us feel bad. Multiple yoga mats that rarely get used? Give them away. Vases you were gifted at your wedding but know you will never use? Donate them. Boxes of old school work taking up space? Bin them. Sometimes we hold onto items purely out of guilt, it’s time for these items to go and time for you to enjoy your possessions in a more positive way.

Let the air in! I know it’s winter, but sometimes a blast of fresh air is just what the doctor ordered! Open those windows, let all that fresh, positive air push out the negative and inhale, then exhale. Leave a window ajar to let the air through; remember you are breathing in this air all day as well, so why not keep it as fresh as possible? While you are at it, why not air out your blankets, pillows, cushions, and throws while you are at it?

Bring the outside in! By nurturing a collection of easy to care for plants, you bring a certain kind of positive energy into your home. You don’t need to be a green thumb to enjoy a little indoor gardening. Simple things like growing and feeding plants - especially in spaces where your family gathers, like the kitchen or bathroom-are especially beneficial to how the energy in your home feels.

Rearrange it! The simplest way to make a positive impact on a space - move it around! Move that chair next to the window so you can watch the birds as you sip your morning tea, cover that side table in coffee table books if that will inspire you to ‘flick’ more, introduce more lamplight for cosiness. Small changes like this can give us more comfort, make us appreciate our homes just that little bit more, and of course, stay more positive.

Display it! The kitchen bench is most often the centre of the home so make it a little more inviting! A load of bread on a beautiful board with a bunch of fresh herbs not only looks good but will inspire you to eat simply. Squeeze a lemon to have that delicious smell wafting through your kitchen, keeping water stocked in the fridge so it encourages you to drink more, a bowl of fruit encouraging healthier snacking. Small changes can make a big difference.