There is nothing more Italian than Gelato

WORDS:: Chyka Keebaugh

PHOTOS:: Lisa Atkinson


Oh gelato, how I love thee…


Is there anything more delicious than wandering the streets of Capri late at night with a gelato in hand? No. There is definitely not! Once again, like the traditional Neapolitan pizza, gelato is something so basic, with the combination of fresh ingredients that have been perfected over the years but remains perfect in its simplicity.

Want to make the quintessential Italian ice?

Blend the fruit, sugar, honey and lemon juice with 2 cups ice in a food processor or blender until chunky. Add another 1 cup ice and blend until completely smooth. Pour the mixture into a shallow baking dish and freeze 30 minutes. Scrape the ice with a fork until slushy, then freeze until firm, about two more hours.

Once you’ve mastered the icy dessert, it’s time to dress it up. I know this is not the traditional way, and it may be scoffed at but you know I love a little pizzazz when it comes to plating and styling! There are so many fun ways to serve your gelato so why not go a little crazy?

  • Taster plate - simply put a scoop of a selection of flavours in mini bowls and create a taster plate. Garnish each flavour with it’s matching fruit or flavour to denote what the gelato flavour is.
  • Buy a selection of waffle cones and serve your gelato up like an ice cream store. Garnish with fun florals, fruits or herbs, or if you are feeling truly decadent wedge a few squares of chocolate.
  • A novelty cup can go a long way! pile it up, pile it high and enjoy.


Have you ever tried….

A gin and tonic with a scoop of lemon gelato or sorbet in it? It slowly melts and sinks to the bottom, so your last sip is full of a sweet, acidic lemon punch, perfect for a hot night.