Time To Start Decorating!



An avocado on the tree, why not?

These days, Christmas decorations encompass many items, from traditional ornaments to modern LED lights, inflatable figures, and themed decorations. Decorating homes and public spaces during the holiday season has become a cherished tradition in many cultures worldwide, and I love it! I love using and giving decorations as gifts, decorating wrapped presents with them, piling collections in decorative cloches and filling my tree with them. My new collection of super cute decorations from Harris Scarfe is seriously the sweetest I’ve decorated with in a long time! Don’t you agree?

In medieval Germany, a popular early Christmas decoration was the "Paradise Tree." This was a fir tree adorned with apples, representing the biblical Tree of Knowledge from the Garden of Eden. Over time, additional decorations such as candles, nuts, and other fruits were added. This tree, filled with all my crazy decorations, is a ‘paradise tree'!’ The Christmas tree tradition gained popularity in England during the 19th century, particularly after Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, who had German heritage, were depicted in a popular illustration standing with their children around a Christmas tree. This image helped popularize the Christmas tree in English-speaking countries. And as Christmas trees became more common, the practice of decorating them with ornaments and tinsel emerged. Early decorations included handmade ornaments, candles, strings of popcorn, and small gifts. The first commercially produced glass ornaments appeared in Germany in the 19th century. In the 20th century, the tradition of Christmas decorations expanded globally. Different cultures incorporated their unique symbols and traditions into the festivities, resulting in various decorations, including my collection for Harris Scarfe.

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