Flowers In Winter




Now you know I love my flowers…

…So when winter rolls around, I often turn to Orchids to decorate my home. They are often considered the perfect winter flower, and I, for one, believe it! Orchids can hold their blooms for an extended period, sometimes several weeks or months. This is particularly appealing in winter when many other flowers have a shorter blooming season and wilt faster indoors due to heating. Known for their exquisite beauty and elegant appearance, Orchids come in diverse shapes, vibrant colours, and delicate petals, adding luxury and charm to indoor spaces. They are relatively low-maintenance compared to other flowering plants. They can continue to bloom beautifully throughout the winter if they receive the right conditions. It's worth noting that while orchids have many desirable traits for winter decor, they do require specific care, and the best type of orchid for winter may vary depending on your location and indoor conditions. Proper research and maintenance are essential to ensure they thrive and continue to beautify your space throughout the winter season. So let's boost the mood in Winter, Flowers, in general, have been known to positively impact mood and mental well-being. During the winter, when people may experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or feel down due to the lack of sunlight, having orchids around can help uplift spirits and bring a touch of nature indoors.

Top tips on keeping your orchids healthy

  • Temperature Management: Orchids are tropical plants that prefer warmer temperatures. During the winter, try to maintain their temperature between 18°C to 24°C during the day and slightly cooler at night. Avoid exposing them to cold drafts from windows or doors.

  • Choose the Right Location: Place your orchids in a spot with ample indirect light. North or east-facing windows are often good choices during winter, as they receive milder sunlight. Consider using artificial grow lights to supplement their lighting needs if the light is limited.

  • Humidity: Orchids require higher humidity levels to thrive. In colder climates, indoor heating can lead to dry air, which can be detrimental to orchids. Grouping plants together can also create a more humid microenvironment.

  • Watering Carefully: Don’t overwater during the winter! Orchids require less frequent watering due to lower temperatures and reduced evaporation. Allow the top inch of the potting medium to dry out before watering. Be cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Always water in the morning to give the orchids time to dry before cooler nighttime temperatures.

  • Potting Medium: Ensure your orchids are potted in a well-draining orchid-specific potting medium, such as a mix of bark, sphagnum moss, and perlite. Good drainage is crucial to prevent waterlogged roots.

  • Protect from Cold Drafts: Orchids are sensitive to cold drafts, which can stress the plant and lead to health issues. Keep them away from windows and doors that may let in chilly air.

  • Consider a Terrarium or Greenhouse: If your home experiences extremely cold temperatures, consider placing your orchids in a terrarium or greenhouse with controlled conditions. This will help maintain stable temperatures and humidity levels, providing a more suitable environment for the plants.

How much do I love Orchids? Let me show you!

It’s been featured on my blog (a few times!) and starred in the Winter chapter of Chyka Home. When I had a few friends over for dinner and was setting the table, I knew I wanted to create feelings of warmth, a little glamour and keep it fun and rustic. So my thought process goes a bit like this - books, old books, dark leather covers, in piles on a wooden table at varying heights. Candles surrounding the books, placed on top and surrounding, create a warm flickering light, just perfect for a dinner party or cosy night indoors. Coloured candles have been frowned upon for a long time but using a dark brown and various heights adds to the drama and warmth. The great thing about candles is they last a long time and look better the more they are used with drips down the side. Gorgeous, dark-coloured orchids in tinted glass vases fill the gaps between the books and the candles. For your flowers, Orchids can be replaced by fresh herbs, roses, tulips - whatever is in season and takes your fancy. Heavily printed serviettes that tie together the colouring of the orchids with the books add a bit of drama—wooden plates rustic and rich in colour.