My Skincare Routine




I am often asked about my skincare routine….

A skincare regime is essential for everyone, regardless of age, but it becomes especially crucial as we age. With a busy lifestyle, time spent outdoors in the sun and taking makeup on and off daily - I rely heavily on various products to keep my skin healthy. As we grow older, our skin undergoes various changes, including decreased collagen production and loss of moisture. These factors contribute to the visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and loss of elasticity.

There are so many products out there, plenty of amazing beauticians and skin specialists who can advise you what your skin needs and what products work for what and when, and quite honestly, it can be overwhelming! We can try everything from oils to masks, detoxes to magic potions! Until you come across one brand that you love, that feels amazing, and that you can see results from - know you are onto a winner! 

This journey is different for everyone because everyone’s skin is different - what works for me won’t necessarily work for you, but having been asked so many times how I take care of my skin, I thought I would let you know of the products I love and how they work for me.

Step 1: Braveheart Cleanser
Step 2: Next Level Serum
Step 3: Glam Squad Serum
Step 4: Superhero Moisturiser
Step 5: Daytime Eye Do eye cream


Something to think about…

  • Maintaining Skin Health: A proper skincare routine helps to keep your skin healthy by addressing specific concerns and promoting overall skin wellness. This includes cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting the skin from environmental damage.

  • Minimizing Signs of Aging: A suitable skincare regime can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Ingredients like retinoids, antioxidants, and peptides can stimulate collagen production and promote skin renewal.

  • Preventing Further Damage: UV rays and pollution can accelerate aging and damage the skin. A skincare routine with SPF-containing products helps protect the skin from harmful UV and prevent further damage. So wear SPF!

  • Hydration and Moisture: As the skin ages, it tends to become drier and loses moisture more quickly. Adequate hydration through moisturizers and hydrating serums can help maintain a youthful and plump appearance.

  • Evening Skin Tone: Uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation may become more apparent with age. Specific products like vitamin C serums can help brighten the skin and even out discolourations.

  • Boosting Confidence: Taking care of one's skin can lead to improved self-esteem and confidence. Feeling good about one's appearance positively impacts overall well-being.

  • Stress Relief and Self-Care: Taking care of the skin can also be a form of self-care and relaxation. Practising a skincare routine can provide moments of mindfulness and stress relief.